About the 21 in ’21 Endorsement Process

21 in '21
5 min readJul 22, 2020


It’s endorsement time!

We are writing to share important information about the 21 in ’21 endorsement process which begins today, July 15!

Members — Get ready! Not only will you vote on endorsements, you are the grassroots army of support we need to ensure at least 21 women are elected to City Council in 2021! We’ll be sending out candidate info and reminders closer to the membership vote in September, as well as setting up more trainings about Ranked Choice Voting.

Candidates — Congratulations on running for office! You, along with the unprecedented number of womxn running for City Council, give us hope for a more just and representative future. As the world has grappled simultaneously with both a global pandemic and the inspiring groundswell of the Black Lives Matter movement, it has been womxn who have displayed swift action and bold leadership. Womxn — both in our city and in countries around the world — have been at the forefront of both long-term planning and rapid response: leading mutual aid groups, pushing strategies and legislation for successful virus containment, and crafting the very movements that are shaping our City’s future.

This is the moment to ensure New York City elects more womxn in local government and we are ready to do that work as we pivot our energy from pipeline recruitment and training to membership growth and candidate endorsements.

It has been an honor getting to know each of you through the various educational, social and networking events, and seeing first-hand the passion, intelligence, and creativity you each bring to your platforms, campaigns, and communities.

We look forward to continuing our support of your campaigns through our endorsement process and beyond,

PS — Now’s a good time to start recruiting your friends and neighbors to become 21 in ’21 members if they aren’t already. Not only will they be able to vote on endorsements, they will be an important part of a grassroots army working to achieve gender parity in NYC. Help recruit members now >>

What’s the endorsement process and timeline?

If you are a womxn-identifying candidate running for NYC Council, we invite you to apply for endorsement.

Our endorsement process will begin on July 15 and continue through September 17 per the timeline below. It is the responsibility of the candidate and their campaign to submit all requested endorsement paperwork correctly and within the deadlines provided. Failure to do so could negatively impact your endorsement.

Above all, we value a clear, fair, and transparent process and hope you find the information below helpful as you apply for endorsement.

Step 1: Apply for endorsement (July 15 through July 22)

This application, along with any other requested information, must be received no later than July 22. To qualify for endorsement, we require candidates to:

  • Identify as a womxn
  • Have registered as a candidate with the Board of Elections
  • Showcase an active campaign website and social media channels
  • Commit to our values of gender equity as reflected in your campaign staff, civil discourse and an inclusive, transformative form of government
  • Showcase markers for campaign viability such as matching funds requirement in the July 11th filing deadline or a plan to meet matching requirements.
  • Be an active member of 21 in ’21 and attend at least 2 membership meetings in 2020

Click to complete the endorsement application

Step 2: Board of Directors’ screening interviews (August 3 through August 31)

Upon submission of your application, we will reach out to you to schedule your virtual interview with our Board of Directors. These meetings are mandatory to be considered for endorsement. All interviews must be completed no later than August 31. Failure to attend the virtual interview may negatively impact your endorsement, as rescheduling may not be possible.

Step 3: Membership and Board of Directors’ vote (by September 14)

The Board of Directors will review interview results as well as the applications, and make a recommendation for our top candidate within each active district. The results and rationale of this vote will be summarized for and shared with our membership who will screen the candidates and then finalize the endorsement using Ranked Choice Voting.

Step 4: Endorsement results (by September 17)

Endorsements will be evaluated by the following metrics:

  • Quality of Application
  • Quality of Interview
  • Evaluation of Support/Endorsements
  • Campaign Viability (Financial Health)

We will first contact campaigns directly with the results of our endorsement process, and then release the information to our membership and then media contacts and digital channels.

What about Ranked Choice Voting? Will you be endorsing multiple candidates in each district?

Ranked Choice Voting benefits womxn running for office, and we are excited that women candidates in NYC will benefit from RCV in 2021. We will continue to educate our membership and communities about how to prioritize voting for womxn on a RCV ballot. We will produce and publish a Recommended Ballot for each district based upon the membership’s Ranked Choice Vote (see Step 3 above).

Because we are doing a ranked endorsement, you will be able to clearly see who 21 in ‘21’s #1, #2, #3, and so on picks are within each district, with the #1 pick being considered our top candidate who will receive our organization’s resources and support.

We will be conducting trainings on how to successfully campaign with Ranked Choice Voting.

Who do I contact if I have questions about the 21 in ’21 endorsement process?

For all inquiries directly related to the endorsement process, please email endorsements@21in21.org

What are the benefits of a 21 in ’21 endorsement?

21 in ’21 has been a recognized leader in the fight for gender parity on NYC’s City Council since 2017. While we are doing ranked endorsements, our organizational resources will benefit the #1 (top) candidate in each district. A 21 in ’21 endorsement is an active endorsement, meaning:

  • We have a strong network of elected officials, community leaders, membership, and sister organizations that will understand that our endorsed candidates are passionate and viable candidates in the race.
  • We will pair our top candidates with former female City Council members who can serve as invaluable mentors.
  • We will provide open “office hours” with former and current female City Council members to answer questions and connect with.
  • We have a tech-savvy and rapidly growing membership base who are eager to volunteer and support our top endorsed candidates, no matter the constraints of in-person campaigning in the coming election. From petitioning to text banking, we will actively develop opportunities to engage our membership to best support our top endorsed candidates.
  • We will provide our logo and endorsement announcement graphics to our top endorsed candidates in each district.
  • We will amplify our endorsed candidates through press releases, email blasts, social media posts, and dedicated exposure on our soon-to-launch website.
  • We will be your biggest fan, ready to help support, amplify and motivate endorsed candidates each step of the way, and will continue our commitment to providing high-quality training and networking opportunities!



21 in '21
21 in '21

Written by 21 in '21

21 in ’21 aims to elect at least 21 women to the NYC Council by 2021, through fundraising support, political training, issue education and access to networks.